Call for volunteer: 

District 6 Representative

For Transportation Committee


-----Original Message-----

From: Dodson, Councilwoman Lori

Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 7:42 PM

To: Dodson, Councilwoman Lori

Subject: Transportation Representative


The Mayor and Council will be forming a citizens Transportation Committee which will be tasked with studying the options available to the City for street repairs as it relates to the latest $0.02 increase in ad valorem tax rate referendum.  I need a citizen from District 6 who is not already serving on a Board or Commission to represent District 6.  The items that will be addressed are whether the City should use the increase in taxes to issue debt, whether the city should use the increase in taxes to pay for street repairs and not issue debt, whether we should continue the status quo, or some other hybrid method.


Anybody interested in volunteering please let me know as soon as possible so I can make sure District 6 receives fair representation.



Lori Barnett Dodson

(214) 334-4533