West Garland Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting

January 23, 2020

Hollabaugh Recreation Center

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Officers in attendance were introduced:

David Morehead - President

Bao-Vinh Pham - Vice President

Irene Ryan- Secretary

Robert Vera - Treasurer

Ken Agee - Sergeant-at-Arms

Minutes from the meeting in October were read and approved.

Robert Vera reported the funds in our account totaled $2,193.11.

David Morehead is on the PARD board. He reported that Hollabaugh is scheduled for a revamping, including a new gym.

Also, the City is going to relocate the Walnut Creek Library. One of the considerations is to use open land on the Hollabaugh campus. It is also considering other locations close to or on Walnut Street, between Jupiter and Plano Roads. The proposed construction will increase the library size from 8,000 sq. feet to 16,000 sq. feet.

Fleetwood Sammis, from Code Compliance, spoke on some programs that are available to senior citizens who may not be physically or financially able to keep up with their properties. Anyone interested in applying for this Code Care Program can contact Code Compliance. The time limit for applying is between January and March. Another program that is in effect is I-signs, where non-profit organizations can make some money removing signs from public property.

Mike Betz, the City Marshal, discussed the new ordinance concerning parking violations. This new ordinance makes these violations a civil offense, rather than a criminal offense. This should solve the problem our citizens have been experiencing regarding illegal parking. It also will take the responsibility of issuing tickets from the Police Department, allowing it to concentrate on true criminal activities, and thus, keeping the citizens safer.

Officer Betz said that through the end of January, violators will be given bright orange warning tags letting them know of the new ruling and what to expect on February 1, 2020. There is a document on the Association website that covers the specifics of the new ruling, what to look for, and how to report violations.

The meeting was opened for questions of both Officer Betz and Mr. Sammis. They both did an excellent job and we thank them for their time with us.

The meeting was closed after a motion to adjourn was requested; it was seconded and passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held April 23, 2020 at Hollabaugh.