New Walnut Creek Branch Library:   Update            1/21 K.Agee

You may recall that District 6 is benefiting from the 2019 Bond Election.  Of the $23.9 Million approved for libraries in Proposition E, $10.9 Million will be devoted to building a new library to replace the old Walnut Creek Branch Library at 3319 Edgewood. 

This new library will be constructed on the same property as the Hollabaugh Rec Center, located at 3925 W. Walnut Rd.  Having the new building at this location will help keep maintenance costs down, and it was by far the most logical location.  However… a State law required additional approval by residents to re-purpose part of the Hollabaugh Rec Center land, but it was approved during the 2020 election cycle.  There are lots of congratulations to go around for getting this off the ground.  In our District 6, two people who were instrumental were City Councilman Robert Vera and David Morehead who was on the Bond Study Board and is now on the Parks & Rec Board.

The new library is now in the design phase, which may take most or all of 2021.  Current plans are for most of the construction to occur in 2022, with completion in mid-2023.  The new library will basically be twice as big as the old one, with many more resources available to residents.

Updates for this and other projects can be found at this City-sponsored website: