Notes on Environmental Waste Services presentation                          7/31/12  K.Agee

Our July 26th WGNA meeting’s keynote speaker was Glenna Brown of Environmental Waste Services, and she had a very good presentation. First she explained that Garland now has 82,000 of the new (blue) rolling containers to replace the old red tubs, but they won’t be able to get more (and get the mechanized truck) until 2013. She explained how we no longer need to keep paper separate from the other recyclables, and they can now take several more types of plastics (type# 1-5, and 7... but NOT #6 which is styrofoam).   These changes are in effect now, even if you haven’t received the new blue rolling containers.


Glenna stressed that when we set out big items that aren’t tree limbs & brush trimmings, to keep them separate, so they can route the wood-waste to the mulching system, and the other things (ex. old furniture, carpet) can go to their appropriate waste-stream. She also said that if we can’t fit everything into the City’s recycling containers that it is OK to put overflow in plastic bags that are set out alongside the main containers...with the stipulation that we don’t put heavy bottles, etc in bags that might rip, and we should not use black trash bags which make it hard for the collection team to easly recognize the items as recyclables.


Here are a few other items that Glenna mentioned:


> Handicapped folks can usually get help from the haulers if they call the office and let them know where they live.

> Waste Services as a department, has a goal of resolving problems the same day they are reported.

> They can’t pick up paint & chemicals, batteries, medicine, or concrete – but they will advise the homeowner how to properly dispose of it.

> The cost-vs-service of Garland’s trash pickup compares favorably to most similar cities, including the ones who have outsourced the function.

> There is an opt-out service for people who don’t want phone books delivered to their doorstep, but unfortunately I didn’t catch the details.

> Sept 8th (I think), is the date for two program events: “Keep Garland Beautiful” and something from the Neighborhood Vitality team

> Sept 22nd (9am-1pm) is a big event called “Healthy Living Expo”. It will be held at the Curtis Culwell Center (formerly called “Special Events Center”), located at 4999 Naaman Forest, in the Firewheel area.  Here’s a link to a map:

More details will be presented in the Garland City Press, but several agencies will be there providing info on things like rain barrels, general recycling tips, free medical screenings (including cholesterol & bone-density testing). They will also have a collection point for unneeded medication.  The following link also had more detailed information: