Nominees needed for Yard of the Month Awards                             4/13  K.Agee

It’s the time of the year to start enjoying and rewarding the beautiful lawns that we have in our area:  The grass is greening up, flowers are popping out, and the trees are filling out. 

This year, Calloway’s nurseries will be donating a $25 gift card every month, but we need your help (eyes and ears especially) to make sure we don’t overlook that really outstanding one.  One thing we ask, is that you check our list of previous Yard of the Month winners at and make sure we havem’t already given them an award within the past 12 months or so.  In other words, there’s no law against giving them an award more than once, but we want to try and spread it around if possible.

If you would spot a nice looking lawn, please send an email to the group’s email address at or leave a phone message in our voicemail at 972-379-7497.