WEST Garland Neighborhood Association Minutes



The West Garland Neighborhood Association met on Thursday, April 25, 2013 in the First Christian Church.  The new President Ricardo Rocha called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  He then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


The order of the meeting was changed to allow the two speakers to do their presentations and then be able to leave. 


The first speaker was Jeff Crocker of the Garland Health Department (accompanied by Mandy Pippen) with a very interesting and timely presentation on the West Nile Virus.  He described the signs to watch for and the measures we as residences can take to minimize the threat from the mosquitoes that cause the virus.  He covered the steps the City of Garland is taking to be vigilant and monitor the insects' presence as well as who report a standing water threat.  We found out that adult mosquitoes take approximately a week to hatch and become a threat.


The second presentation was Bonny Patrick with the Garland Water Utilities Department on water conservation in the coming months ahead.  She covered the history of the efforts in Texas to expand the supply to meet the growing demands of an increasing population (anticipation of growth of 50% by 2060).  She broke the news that the North Texas Municipal Water District will announce  tomorrow that as of June 1st member areas will be on a Stage 3 water restriction level.  She covered the water supply lines that we currently are using and the ones that will be developed to meet the future.  Finally, she noted her handouts of items that will help each resident conserve water as well listings of plants to use that are native to Texas and are hardy in hot, dry times.


After the speakers left, the business meeting opened.   Minutes from the previous meeting (1/24) being on line, the motion was made and seconded and the minutes were approved The Secretary being absent, these minutes were taken by D. McAllister. 


The Treasurer, Diana Diaz, being absent, there was no Treasurer's report.


Old Business:  A brief review of the WGNA participation in the Garland Trash Bash on April 13th by Robert Vera, who provided a pickup to carry off the collected bags of trash.  He noted that the cleanup along the creek on Jupiter Road behind the Walgreen's  turned up evidence of large scale dumping of old shingles, tiles and wood in the forested areas away from the road.  He and Ricardo Rocha reported this dump to the city, who can  find out the owner and issue an order to clean it up or face a fine.  The creek between Tynes Drive and Justice received efforts to clean it up, but it rained afterward and carried a large amount of new trash back into the area.  It was suggested that another cleanup might be a good idea just before school starts up.  It will be discussed further again.


New Business:  As the meeting was running long, the discussion of a Neighborhood Night Out in October was tabled until the July meeting.  Ricardo suggested looking for ideas on location for this year and new participants and activities as well.


A mention was made to Councilwoman Lori Dodson concerning an increasing in "tagging" in certain areas and she went through the necessary steps to report it.


A final item passed out was the schedule for the upcoming multicultural festival set for May 25th in the Hiep Thai shopping center.  Last year's event was very impressive.


Next meeting, our neighborhood police officer will be asked to attend.


Ricardo adjourned the meeting at 8:52 PM.


Respectfully submitted by


D. McAllister acting for Lesley Henry, Secretary