West Garland Neighborhood Association Meeting 1/22/15


The meeting was called to order at 7 PM in the North Texas Area Christian Church by President Ricardo Rocha.   He led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and the roll was called.  Only Doris LaFayette, Neighborhood Outreach representative was absent.   It was noted that we still had no permanent Secretary.  Ricardo recommended that we postpone nominations again until we had time to check with possible candidates who would be willing to handle 2 year terms.

As the invited speaker from the Planning and Zoning Commission had to cancel, more time was allowed to Police Officer Franey to cover the crime scene in this end of Garland.  He noted house burglaries were down but that car ones were up.  He recommended cameras situated in the house and lights around the outside that were above reach to be turned off.  He stressed being aware of your surroundings at all times wherever you are.

A motion to approve the October Minutes was made by Robert Vera and seconded by Ken Agee.

The Treasurer’s Report by Robert Vera stated we had no expenses and $658.97 in the account.

Old Business:  The Spring Cleanup is April 18th this year.  Instead of cleaning up the same area by Walgreen’s, it was suggested that we concentrate on the areas around Bradfield, O’Henry and Bullock Grade School and each area put together a small group of 3 or 4 people to police the area and bring the garbage to the usual pickup site by Walgreen’s for Robert Vera to take in to the Central gathering site.  Vote was not made on whether we should buy t-shirts for the volunteers that would announce “WGNA Cleanup”, all in large size and useable next year as well.

A garage sale was suggested for April as well.  A permit must be obtained and no site was pinned down as a place to hold it.  The point was made that there would be no holdovers after the sale, anything left would go to the dump. 

New Business:  It was planned to go over the Bylaws and make some suggestions for revisions; however this was postponed as well with suggestion of a possible meeting of the officers to discuss it item by item.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.

Respectfully submitted by


D. McAllister

Temporary Secretary