Minutes of West Garland Neighborhood Association Quarterly Meeting

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Ricardo Rocha at 7:08 PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.  President Rocha called the roll and it was noted that the Treasurer, Robert Vera, Sergeant at Arms Ken Agee and Neighborhood Advisor Doris LaFayette were absent.

The speaker for the meeting was introduced,  Laura Castillo, Specialist, with the Office of Neighbor Vitality for the City of Garland.  Her message was that it was vital to the City of Garland for the neighborhoods that make up Garland be committed to being as organized as possible to meet the demands of a modern city.  They need to operate from a long term commitment to maintain their physical attractiveness and sense of being part of a community.  She talked of the many classes available to residents to learn more about the city and how it operates and publications with information on being energy conservers.  She specifically mentioned a Neighborhood Summit coming on October 24th at the Hyatt Place Hotel where all neighborhood leaders could get together and compare notes and projects.  She noted that her organization offers grants for projects related to neighborhood improvements and that approval for a monetary grant would have to have the local association’s approval and knowledge.    She said to start small in projects for the neighborhood till you know how to handle the paper work.    Feel free to contact here with any questions in this regard.  The matching grants are for public property projects and not for individual private project.   The next grant deadline is Sept. 1st so she stressed if you felt there was something eligible for a grant look to the March 1st deadline next year,.

 Several attendees mentioned problems that are part of city programs and not part of her program; President Rocha said he had had good, fast results on requests to the city using e-Assistance and suggested that the members download the app and use it to address problems that the city should handle.

Laura drew attention to classes coming up, including more with Home Depot.  She said to be sure and check whether there was a discount if you bought something to do with the home improvement class, and to be sure and check with any city utility if you are doing an energy efficient project.  You would be pleased to see what some of them offer if you are upgrading your property.

David Moreland made the motion to approve the last meeting’s minutes, and Henry Perlman seconded the motion.  Voice vote approved the minutes.

Since the Treasurer was absent, David Moreland gave Robert Vera’s  report that the treasury had $758.97 current balance in it.


Old Business:

Discussion move back to a possible garage sale in the Fall, location pending to 3 locations, the church where we meet, the Hollabaugh Recreation Center or the County Tax Office parking lot as it is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.  Ricardo noted he would offer his house as a collection point with the possibility of using a storage rental if it got too big.  Everyone agreed that nothing was to remain after the sale and the money made would go to the association with possible donation to the church if the parking lot was used.   By 1 PM the second day of the sale, items would be offered at a huge discount to move them out.  The date of October 10th was offered.

The Bylaws Revision of Item IX was reread by David Moreland and there was no further discussion so he made the motion to revise the Bylaw.  Henry Peerman seconded it.  The revision was approved by voice vote.

New Business:

At one point Laura Castillo mentioned using Block Parties to increase knowledge of one’s neighbors.  As we had tried large Neighborhood Parties with little success in gaining new members, Ricardo suggested we try smaller, localized block parties where everyone brings s potluck dish.  This could happen on October 6th with participants bringing their garage sale items as well and having them already marked with a price.  Again we are back to a location if the weather turns bad, the same three locations that were mentioned for the garage sale were mentioned for the block party with the Hollabaugh Center used for the covered area if the weather turns.

Ricardo mentioned that the speaker next time would be Bruce Joiner, the security guard shot during the terrorist attack on the Culwell Center.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Dorothy McAllister

Acting Secretary