Quarterly Meeting 10/22/15 7:00 pm



Ricardo Rocha                                          David Morehead

Anita Morehead                                      Dot McAlister

Robert Vera                                              Nancy Vaniel

Ken Agee                                                  Kim Vaniel

Brenda McGregor                                    Lee Elms

Karen Bennett                                          Mary Gimaldo   

D. R. Hudspeth                        


1.    Call to Order                               7:01 pm


2.    Roll Call of Board Members


Ricardo Rocha, President    

                                                                  Ken Agee, Web Master

Dot McAlister / Brenda McGregor, Secretary

                                                                  Robert Vera, Treasurer

                                                                  Ellen Fong - Vice President

                                                                  David Morehead, Parliamentarian


3.    Guest Presentations                None


4.    Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes


Approved and Accepted

5.    Treasurer’s Report

We have $741.97 in bank.  Bank’s name is now Legacy Bank.  This is the same bank, different name.

6.   Old Business


                                                            i.      Garage sale was postponed due to weather.  Ricardo then opened floor for suggestions on new date for garage sale. David suggested targeting a time that is non-holiday and rain free.  He suggested June.  Mary suggested getting more notice on donating items.  Ricardo warned this event was a learning event.  We will get better at it as we go.  He suggested a Spring Clean Up day would be good for getting items for garage sale.  Ken seconded the Spring (late February – March) timeline.  Robert seconded the June date.


                                                         ii.      Dot mentioned that Ice Cream Social on October 6th was successful. 




7.   New Business


a.     Upcoming Events – Next meeting January 28, 2016


                                                             i.      Ricardo has a contact with the Cali Saigon Mall.  She is Jennifer Ngyugen, Asian Community Activist.  They will be having an event on October 31st.  Ken will post details soon.


                                                           ii.      Ricardo suggested getting a banner for when we attend promotional events. 


b.    Other New Business

Ricardo discussed the importance of checking the safety of Christmas Lights.  He also suggested getting our neighbors to watch your house if going out of town and disposing of boxes from gifts. He will get pamphlets from the Fire Department if requested.

Ken will be postings best Christmas Lights displayed in neighborhood and posting on website if time allows.  The possibly of splitting up the job of photographing the neighborhood was discussed.          

Mary asked what our funds are spent on.  Robert stated that no funds have been spent during his tenure. Ricardo stated that we could possibly spend some funds on promotion of the association. 

Dot suggests looking into forming a procedure for being reimbursed when spending association funds. Robert was thanked for paying for storage for garage sale.  Ricardo mentioned possibly spending the funds on Street Sign Toppers.  We will have to check if we can have these in Garland. This is still in discussion stage only.

Robert suggested renting a POD for storage of the garage sale items.  He also suggested recording names on who donated which items. 

A new Secretary, Brenda McGregor was voted in. 

Ellen asked how many houses were in our district. Dot suggested called the City of Garland.  Ricardo suggested going to City of Garland website.

Brenda asked about process for getting a stop light put in at Lawler and Yale.  Ricardo suggested speaking with Traffic.

Dot reminded us about the E-Assist App for City of Garland.  This app is used to communicate issues with the City.  Ricardo stated that he has had success with using it.


8.   Adjournment                                      7:55 pm



-         End of Notes -