Quarterly Meeting 1/28/16 7:00 pm



Ricardo Rocha                                          David Morehead

Jeanne Vera                                             Robert Vera

Nancy Vancil                                            Kim Vancil

Ken Agee                                                  Brenda McGregor

Virginia Jackson                                       Mary Grimaldo

Fran Brown                                              Henry Peerman

Karen Bennett                                          Dow Mullins


Call to Order                               7:00 pm


Roll Call of Board Members

Ricardo Rocha, President                                 Robert Vera, Treasurer

David Morehead, Parliamentarian                  Ken Agee, Web Master

Brenda McGregor, Secretary




At our meeting we had five guest speakers from four departments.  Listed below are the highlights from each speaker’s presentation.

Garland Fire Department

David Riggs and Merrill Balanciere   

·       Distributed Winter Safety Brochures

·       Reviewed heater and candle safety

·       Discussed the fire safety tip of closing doors during a fire.  This will slow the spread of the fire.

·       Reminded us to check our smoke detectors

·       The Garland Fire Department has 11 fire stations, 5 ladder trucks, 6 pumps, an ambulance at each station w/paramedics, and approximately 5 fire fighters on duty at each station any time

·       Garland Fire Department has received a rating of ISO 1 from insurance companies which should lead to lower insurance rates for residents of the City of Garland

Garland Police Department

Officer Mallison

·       2015 was tough year for the Police department with the ISIS attack, floods, the recent tornado

·       crime so far this year has not increased,

·       they are working on parking issues in the alleys and by fire hydrants during church services which was of concern of some attending members,

·       There are no new crime concerns that citizens need to be extra aware about

·       Officer Franey, our Neighborhood Police Officer is currently on a special assignment, but Officer Garcia and Officer Clark are still active in our area. 

Garland Animal Services

Hugo Espinoza

·       2015 was a good year last year for Animal Services with improvements in placement percentages

·       There are four Animal Control officers who are responsible for patrolling one of the four districts they have divided the City of Garland into.  However, when a call for help is made, whoever is available the fastest sent out

·       The tornado stranded 26 animals.  All but 3 of these animals have been adopted out

·       The shelter provides one year rabies shots if the vet is on site for $15 dollars at 813 Main Street

Garland Street Department

Steve Oliver, Director of Streets

·       The Street Department has three groups: (1) Maintenance Group that patches potholes, (2) the Construction Group that paves streets and (3) Drainage Maintenance Crew to work on drainage ways and cleaning channels

·       The Street Department has a $15M annual budget

·       Three year program detailing upcoming improvements is located on the city website

·       Sidewalks are replaced when streets are done

·       Sidewalks are the responsibility of the home owner.  There is a program in place where the city will pay for up to 50% of the cost of sidewalk improvements

·       The Street Department is separate from the Transportation Department which handles street signs and speed bumps

·       There are approximately 700 miles of streets in the city of Garland

·       Sharon Brown in the Transportation Department handles speed bump requests.


Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

Approved and Accepted


Treasurer’s Report

We have $868.47 in bank. 


Old Business

Ricardo reminded everyone of the Texas Trash Off day on April 9th


New Business



Upcoming Events

Next meeting on April 28th



8:48 pm



-         End of Notes -