Quarterly Meeting 10/27/16  7:00 pm


Karen Bennett                                          Mary Grimaldo           

Leanda Elms                                             Robert Vera                          

Brenda McGregor                                    David Morehead                           

Bruce Smith                                               Don Walden

Lois Walden                                               Ellen Fong

Harry Brupacher                                        Nancy Vancil

Kim Vancil                                                   Halieselassie Ayele

Yifat Hbeke                                                 Ricardo Rocha

Lori Dodson, Councilwoman


Call to Order                                7:05 pm


Roll Call of Board Members

Ricardo Rocha, President

David Morehead, Parliamentarian

Brenda McGregor, Secretary


Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

Approved and Accepted


Treasurer’s Report

We have $1,100.47 the bank



Old Business


No old business discussed


New Business

We had two guest speakers at the meeting, temporary NPO M.G. Clark and Fire Engine 3 team from next door. 


NPO Clark discussed the status of NPO Franey.  He will not be returning as our NPO.  Our new NPO will be Officer Schreves.  Officer Clark mentioned that Officer Schreves had a very low tolerance for criminals and a lot of dedication to the job.  He is sure we will like him.  He was pleased to announce that the Garland Police had arrested a couple of heavy hitters in crime activity last weekend.  He reminded everyone to please not be afraid to use 911 if we see something suspicious.  They would rather answer some calls that may not end up being urgent than miss out on something important. 


The guy of Fire Engine 3, who work at the Fire Station next to the church also visited us to discuss Christmas safety.  Some topics discussed were holiday decorating safety, cooking safety and Christmas tree safety.  They provided handouts on these subjects that are available for viewing at www.garlandfire.com


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8:03 pm