Bond Hearing @ Hollabaugh, 4/18/19 @ 6pm

Local Elections on May 4th, 2019                                                           3/23/19  K.Agee

WGNA members probably know that there will be an election on May 4th for a large municipal bond proposal.  Actually, the $423,700,000 proposal will be broken up into eight individual proposals for the actual voting ballot. 


The City is hosting bond hearings in local neighborhoods, and ours will be held at the Hollabaugh Rec Center (3925 W. Walnut St.) on Thursday April 18th at 6 p.m.  They will have handouts describing details of each proposition, and will also allow for an open discussion.



Following is a brief overview of each proposal:


Prop A:  $122,250,000 for streets & transportation upgrades


Prop B:  $51,350,000 for public safety upgrades


Prop C:  $47,350,000 for storm drainage related upgrades


Prop D:  $117,750,000 for parks & recreation


Prop E:  $21,000,000 for libraries


Prop F:  $46,000,000 for economic development projects


Prop G:  $6,000,000 for municipal facilities


Prop H:  $12,000,000 for animal shelter improvements



Additional info can be found at the City’s website:

Main entry point:

More detailed info (with maps):

Actual bond proposal language for voting:

Information on how/when to vote: