West Garland Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting

July 22, 2021

Hollabaugh Recreation Center


The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Officers in attendance:

David Morehead - President

Irene Ryan- Secretary

Robert Vera - Treasurer

Ken Agee - Sergeant-at-Arms

Officers not in attendance:

Bao-Vinh Pham - Vice President


Minutes from the meeting in April 2021 were read and approved.

Robert Vera reported the funds in our account totaled $2,200.

Our new NPO, Officer A. Kuenzle, was present. Officer Wade has been given other duties within the force. There has been a drop in major crime during the last quarter. Officer Kuenzle mentioned the Video Crime Watch Program and how it has helped the Police Department to gather information on crimes committed within the city and also has provided much needed input for other cities. He urged all residents to consider becoming involved in this program if they have access to cameras on their properties. It is strictly voluntary and the police can only ask for information from participants.

David Koliba, the Administrator of Commercial Accounts with Garland Power and Light, gave us valuable information regarding the loss of power during the so-called “Snowmaggedon” in February of this year. He gave us the timeline from the initial occurrence through the 3-4 day event. We have posted a more detailed account of his explanation on our website. Thank you to Ken Agee for preparing and posting this.

Patrick Abell thanked members of his team who help residents with issues involving their properties. This includes those needing help with lawn mowing, some tree trimming, and other issues that may involve possible citations from the city. Let Patrick know of anything that might need attention.

Ground breaking for the upgrade to Hollabaugh and the new library may begin towards the end of the year. There is a sign on the property stating the new library will be constructed there.

The meeting was closed after a motion to adjourn was requested; it was seconded and passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held October 28, 2021 at 7pm at Hollabaugh. Be sure to invite any of your neighbors to attend this meeting.