West Garland Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting

October 28, 2021

Hollabaugh Recreation Center

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Officers in attendance:

David Morehead - President

Irene Ryan- Secretary

Robert Vera - Treasurer

Ken Agee - Sergeant-at-Arms

Officers not in attendance:

Bao-Vinh Pham - Vice President

Minutes from the meeting in July 2021 were read and approved.

Robert Vera reported the funds in our account totaled $2,295.

Officer A. Kuenzle was present, along with Officer Diaz, our new NPO. Our other NPOs are Officers Barnes, Franey and Garrison. The latest crime of opportunity is theft of catalytic converters. Most susceptible vehicles are trucks and SUVs, due to the higher clearance off the ground. Some thieves can cut them off in a matter of minutes. Owners can get cages installed to help prevent these thefts. It’s always wise to park in a well-lit area when possible. To help prevent vehicle burglaries, always you’re your cars locked and take anything of value out of them.

 If you are hearing gunshots, call the non-emergency number to report that. Officer Kuenzle again mentioned the Video Crime Watch Program and how it has helped the Police Department to gather information on crimes committed within the city and also has provided much needed input for other cities. He urged all residents to consider becoming involved in this program if they have access to cameras on their properties. It is strictly voluntary and the police can only ask for information from participants.

Ground breaking for the upgrade to Hollabaugh and the new library may not begin towards the end of the year. The board asked for some thoughts on where we could meet during construction. Additional input is greatly appreciated.

We will be voting on board members at our January meeting. A nomination for Vice President was entered naming Minh Huynh. This will fill the spot vacated by Bao-Vinh Pham. All current officers have requested a return to the board.

The meeting was closed after a motion to adjourn was requested; it was seconded and passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held January 27, 2022 at 7pm at Hollabaugh. Be sure to invite any of your neighbors to attend this meeting.