2nd Quarter WGNA Meeting Cancelled Due to COVID-19 Virus       3/24/20  K.Agee

Following directives from Federal, State, & local health officials, the WGNA officers voted unanimously to cancel the normal second quarter West Garland Neighborhood Association meeting.  This meeting was to be held on April 23rd at the Hollabaugh Rec Center.


The next meeting is expected to be at the usual time and place:  July 23rd, at the Hollabaugh Rec Center, at 7 P.M.  We sincerely hope by then, that this medical pandemic will be more under control and less of a threat to our neighborhood and our nation.


In the meantime, please remember to adhere to good basic hygiene.  Wash your hands thoroughly several times per day, especially when returning from social activities or anything involving contact with keypads, gas pump handles, or any items that may have recently been handled by strangers. 


There is a good reason experts tell us to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water:  Not only does it give time for us to wash thoroughly and let the soap penetrate into microscopic cracks in our skin, it also gives the soap time to breakdown the outer lipid (fatty) membrane of the virus!


It’s also a good idea to keep a covered pan or bowl of soapy bleach-water nearby, so you can wipe down surfaces such as remote controls, phones, doorknobs, etc.  Bleach is VERY effective at killing virus’.  One teaspoon of bleach per cup of water is recommended by most health officials as something that is both effective and fairly safe to use (just not on skin!)