10/28/08 from Ken Agee


We had the 4th quarter West Garland Neighborhood Association (WGNA) meeting at The ROC, located at 3375 Edgewood.  We also have reservations for this location for the January 27th meeting.


Bobbie Wood lead the meeting and kept the minutes and Doris Lafayette brought refreshments.


A discussion centered on the fact that Jean Redfern of the City has identified an existing neighborhood association north of Walnut, between Plano & Jupiter Roads.  Bobbie will attempt to get more details, with the goal of linking up with them to either combine efforts or redefine our boundaries.


There were questions raised about the Neighborhood Vitality program and other general maintenance issues regarding the condition of some sidewalks, and the need for some strategically placed speed humps.  Ken Agee has volunteered to either get someone from the City to present options to the group at our January meeting, or gather information to be presented thru handouts, etc.