Minutes of October 25, 2018

West Garland Neighborhood Association


Taken by Dorothy McAllister in the absence of Ken Agee

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ricardo Rocha.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the previous meeting’s minutes were approved by voice vote.

A Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Robert Vera and showed a total in the amount  of $1688.11.  Robert noted that the red bucket on the desk was available for anyone who wished to donate in any amount to the organization.

Ricardo noted that we did not have a Neighbor’s Night Out this year, he had been involved in an accident and unable to organize one.  He noted there were still time slots available if anyone felt it could be organized (however with all the rain and cancellations, it would be difficult to do with the holidays coming on it achieve).  He stated that the position of Vice President was still open in the organization if anyone was interested,

Several members suggested that promotional materials as to the size of the area the group covers and its purpose would be nice if available at the meetings to give members a better idea of where District 6 covers and the activities that are possible to do for the neighborhoods.

Robert Vera introduced two Garland Police Officers to speak on the activities going on in this area   Lt. St. Clair had just taken over from Officer Stoker and is working with Officer David Wade as neighbor Contacts.  Officer St. Clair noted that the main problems seem to be in the high number of phone scams involving city services (your bill is overdue) to your grandchildren being in trouble and needing bail.  You need to back check with the city as to whether money is needed due to overdue bills.  If you get a prepaid card and give the scammer the number on the phone, the money is gone whether you have a bill overdue or not.  Check with the city before issuing any payment forms.  Burglaries are down but will come up with the holidays coming on.  Homeless people are moving around the city constantly and some increase in their number is noted and begging moves around in the major intersections as well.  He ended with the statement that if you see something suspicious, call it in then, don’t wait,

The second speaker was Jason Chessher with the Garland Health Department.  He covered the 3 major areas the Health Department deals with:  Environmental Services, Animal Services, and Public Health with pamphlets describing the services in each area.  Many of the attendees were particularly interested in the hope for a bond item covering a new and more up-to-date animal shelter.

The last speaker was Jermel Stevenson, Managing Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts , who described the scope of his department then  centered his information on the hope to finish Hollabaugh  Center into better use for the taxpayers.  They would like to finish the   outside pavilion into an enclosed gym, put in a senior citizen room with larger kitchen, walking trail and make WFI available and as well as more  parking.

The meeting was adjourned by Ricardo and ended at 8:02 PM.

D. McAllister for Ken Agee