4th Quarter WGNA Meeting Summary                     10/25/19  K.Agee


Our 4th quarter WGNA meeting was held on 10/24/19 at the Hollabaugh Recreational Center, 3925 W. Walnut St.  The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. and was chaired by District 6 City Councilman Robert Vera who was acting in the absence of WGNA President Ricardo Rocha.


After leading a short prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, Councilman Vera introduced GPD’s Neighborhood Patrol Officer Wade.  Officer Wade mentioned that he had been working since 6 a.m., thanks to tornado damage in the Shiloh @ Miller Road area (Shiloh Rd had been shut down, several homes were damaged, as well as two new business structures northwest of that intersection).


Officer Wade said that general crime statistics for our area were within their normal range, and history shows that as the weather cools off, so do the crime rates.  He fielded questions from the audience, with one issue being the area around Lottie Watson Park (SE corner of Yale & Lawler).  Apparently there were issues of drag-racing in the area, and possible drug deals.  Officer Wade said the best defense is to report such issues (even though the events are brief), and said that if it gets worse, GPD could arrange to have one of the City’s two portable SkyWatch Towers placed there for a while.  There were also lots of discussions about parking issues, including parked cars in alleys (illegal) and strange people parking in front of resident’s houses (legal, unless they block homeowner’s driveway).  Councilman Vera announced an effort he and City officials were working on, moving some parking violations from Criminal Offenses to Civil Offenses, so they could be prosecuted more easily.


Once Officer Wade finished, Councilman Vera chaired WGNA’s officer elections.  Only the position of Vice-president had more than one candidate, so votes were quickly tallied with a show-of-hands.  The new WGNA President is now David Morehead, Vice-President is Bao-Vinh Pham, and Secretary is Irene Ryan.  Renewing terms is Treasurer Robert Vera and Sergeant at Arms Ken Agee.  We still need a volunteer for the position of Parliamentarian.  Thanks go to all volunteers, since this organization has no dues and therefore officers receive no pay.


In closing discussions, Councilman Vera fielded questions about future use of the old Baylor-Garland hospital campus.  He says a deal has been reached between the various parties for the Veterans Administration (VA is part of the Federal Government) to operate an outpatient facility there.  Plans are in the works now, and Councilman Vera thinks they may be finalized sometime during 2020.  There are also active talks between the City of Garland and Parkland Hospital (controlled by Dallas County), for some additional facility in that area. 


Councilman Vera mentioned that State law requires him to cease using his personal cell-phone for official buisness, so he has a new cell-phone number: 469-782-4482. 


There was a request for street-level maps from the City.  Following is that link:



  A motion to adjourn the meeting was approved at 8:34 P.M.  The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for January 23rd at this same location (Hollabaugh Rec Center).  The meeting will start at the usual time of 7 P.M.