WGNA-friendly City Council rep’s       8/05/11  K.Agee

District 6 of the Garland City Council has always had representatives who have taken their job seriously, and the West Garland Neighborhood Association (WGNA) tries to link them to our citizens. 

If you have never attended our quarterly meetings, please consider the fact that our meetings are often attended by past and present representatives who have a lot of knowledge & perspective on how our City and community works.

We often have retired law enforcement & firefighters in attendance, as well as our most recent City Council representative Barbara Chick, Ellen Fong (wife of ex-CC rep Stan Fong), and the following active representatives:

    Name              Title                   Job Description 

Lori Dodson   Dist. 6 Council Rep.   Top level of representation for our neighborhood

David Greer   Parks & Rec. Rep.      Provides input to City Planners for our neighborhood

Robert Vera   Planning & Zoning      Merges business needs with Code requirements

Bruce Astin   Board of Adjustments   Mediates tax valuation


If you have questions or issues that have a lot of details, you can always call the City’s main Help Desk at 972-205-2000, but you might also consider bringing your question to our next WGNA meeting.

As a reminder, WGNA meetings are held four times a year, on the 4th Thursday, at 7PM.  Until further notice, the meetings will be held at the North Texas Area Christian Church at 3525 Lawler, at Jupiter Rd.  There are no dues (voluntary contributions only),