Strange Man Turning on Faucets and Hoses           8/22 K.Agee


Starting in May of 2022, a man has been walking thru west Garland neighborhoods, turning on their outdoor faucets & garden hoses, then just walking away.  This has occurred about 10 times that we know of, mostly at houses close to the main through-streets like Plano Rd, Walnut, Jupiter, etc.  In at least one case, he stripped off his clothes and took a shower outside of a home with a mother and her children. 


Please be on the lookout for this person.  By all accounts, he appears to be homeless, short, with dark weather-beaten skin and a beard.  Some accounts say he speaks incoherently when confronted.  Our local Neighborhood Police Officer (NPO) advises us to call 911 immediately if seen, so they can catch him in the act.  Our District 6 City Councilman Robert Vera says it’s OK to call him about this at any time (214-725-1256).  He would like to have a photo or video of the guy, but advises us to be safe & discreet with that process.