Sec. 31.134.     Duty to keep sidewalks in safe condition.

It shall be the duty of any abutting property owner to keep the sidewalk, parkway, curb and driveway abutting such property in a good and safe condition, free from any defects and hazards of whatsoever kind and character.  By way of example and not of limitation, a sidewalk is hazardous if it contains a separation of line and grade in excess of three (3) inches between adjacent sections of sidewalk or if it contains surface deterioration to such an extent that it may not be safely negotiated by a person in a two (2) inch heeled shoe.

Sec. 31.135.     Liability for damages resulting from defective sidewalks.

The abutting property owner or person making a special use of a sidewalk or enjoying the use of any property abutting on a sidewalk or curb that has become defective or hazardous and has resulted in causing damage or injury as a result of such defective or hazardous condition shall be primarily liable in damages for any loss or damage sustained as a result of such defective or hazardous condition.  The City shall not be held as assuming any such liability by reason of inspection of any sidewalk or providing notice as authorized in this article.

Sec. 31.136.     Notice to reconstruct or repair.

Any sidewalk, parkway, driveway or curb which has become defective or hazardous is hereby declared a nuisance and it shall be the duty of the owner of property abutting such sidewalk, parkway, curb or driveway to reconstruct or repair such sidewalk, parkway, curb or driveway in accordance with the standard specifications of the City and such expense shall be borne by the abutting property owner.  The failure of any owner or the agent of any owner to reconstruct or repair any such sidewalk, parkway, curb or driveway within thirty (30) days from receipt of a notice to repair from the Engineering Department shall constitute an offense.

Sec. 31.137.     Repair by City; costs to be a lien against abutting property and owner personally liable for costs.

If any person fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of Section 31.136 within the time limits specified therein, the City may in its discretion, but assumes no duty to, go upon such property and do or cause to be done the work necessary to obtain compliance with this article.  The expense so incurred by City in correcting the condition shall be a personal obligation of the owner of the abutting property.  In the event the owner fails or refuses to pay such expense within thirty (30) days after the work was done, the City shall file with the Clerk of the county where the property is located a statement of the expense incurred in correcting the condition of the property.  When such statement is filed, the City shall have a privileged lien on such property, second only to tax liens and liens for street improvements, to secure the payment of the amount so expended.  Such amount shall bear interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the date the City incurs the expense.  For any such expenditure and interest and reasonable attorneys fees, suit may be instituted and recovery and foreclosure had by the City.

Nothing herein shall inhibit the right of the City to make immediate repair of any condition considered to be of unusual and immediate danger to persons or property.  In such instance, the Director of Engineering shall send an invoice for expenses incurred in the repair of such condition to the owner of the abutting property, and within ten (10) days the owner shall have the right to a hearing on the matter of the reasonableness of the action and cost of repair.  The owner shall pay the reasonable expenses as determined by the Director.

In the event the owner fails or refuses to pay such expense within thirty (30) days after notice of the reasonable charge by the Director of Engineering, the City shall follow the procedure written above to perfect a lien on such property, which lien shall have the same character as written above.

Sec. 31.138.     City participation in sidewalk/curb and gutter reconstruction.

The City may participate in the reconstruction provided monies are available for this program from bond funds.  If monies are available, City participation in the cost of improvements will be on a 50/50 basis with the abutting property owner as provided for in Section 31.76.  If the property owner's share of the cost of improvements is equal to or greater than $1,000.00, payment may be made in not more than thirty-six (36) equal monthly payments at an interest rate not to exceed the maximum interest rate allowed by State law as provided for in Section 31.77.


Sec. 31.75.     Street improvement and paving assessments.

Assessments for street improvements shall be made pursuant to Article XVI of the City Charter and Article 1105 b, V.T.C.S., as amended, and may be initiated by either of the following methods:

(A)     Initiation by property owner:  Upon the application of one or more property owners, the Director of Engineering shall provide the applicant with a petition form to be circulated by the applicant among the other owners of property abutting the proposed improvements.  If the petition is returned to the Director of Engineering and signed by either at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the abutting property owners or the owners of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the abutting frontage, then the Director of Engineering may prepare the design plans and specifications for the proposed project depending upon confirmation of the petition and the availability of funding for the proposed project.  If the design plans and specifications for the proposed project are prepared, the Director of Engineering shall submit an estimate of the cost of such improvements to the City Council.  The City Council may then determine the necessity for, and order, the proposed improvements.  Improvement projects consisting of streets and alleys may be initiated by petition only in block-length segments.  Improvement projects consisting of sidewalks or curbs and gutters separate from an improvement project to a street may be initiated by petition in smaller segments.

(B)     Initiation by City:  Upon the presentation of a proposed improvement project, including an estimate of the cost of such improvements, by the Director of Engineering, the City Council may determine the necessity for, and order, the proposed improvements.

Sec. 31.76.     Cost sharing policy; limitations.

(A)     No assessment shall be made against any abutting property or its owners in excess of the special benefits accruing to such property and its owners in enhanced value as determined by the City Council.  The City shall share in the costs of the improvements with the owners of the abutting property as provided in subsection (B) below.  In this section, "developed residential property" shall mean abutting property in actual bona fide use as the residential homestead of the owner.

(B)     Abutting property and the owners thereof shall be assessed the following share of the cost of the improvements as follows:


Type of Improvement

Share of Costs (Per Linear Foot of Improvements)



(1)     Street improvements:


        (a) Developed residential property


             (i) Improvements initiated by petition under Sec. 31.75 (A)








            (ii) Improvements initiated by City under Sec. 31.75 (B)

No Assessment

       (b) Property other than developed

             residential property


(2)     Alley improvements


(3)     Sidewalk improvements (when those costs are not included in a street improvement project)


(4)     Curb and gutter improvements (when those costs are not included in a street improvement project



(Ord. No. 4389, §1, 12-19-89)

Sec. 31.77.     Payment of assessments.

Assessments shall be due and payable upon final inspection and acceptance of the improvements by the City.  Assessments may be paid in whole or in not more than thirty-six (36) monthly payments at an interest rate not to exceed the maximum interest rate allowed by State law.

(Ord. No. 4389, §1, 12-19-89)