Photos of Spring 2013 Trash-Off                          4/13  K.Agee

15 or 16 members from the West Garland Neighborhood Association met on Saturday morning 4/13/13 for this spring’s Trash-Off event.  This is Garland’s version of the statewide “Don’t Mess With Texas” trash collection event.   We met at the Hollabaugh Rec Center parking lot and decided that of our three targeted sites (two storm drains and the creek behind Walgreen’s), that our time would be best spent at the Walgreens site.  Fyi, Ricardo and some youth volunteers are taking care of the two storm drains, but in a separate event.

By the time we were done, we had collected a pickup load (in trash bags supplied by the sponsors) of trash.  There seemed to be three main causes for the litter:  1)  shopping bags blown by the wind down into the brush by the creek,  2)  beverage bottles left behind by young people using this area to test the mud-handling capabilities of their vehicles, and 3)  trash and bottles left behind by homeless folks.  We can’t do much about the blowing litter, but a simple fix for the “teen hangout area” would be to put a chain across the bridge that leads back to the isolated area, and Robert Vera (District 6 Planning & Zoning Rep) took some pictures of the homeless camps and will try to get other City departments involved.

As in the past, Garland’s Trash-Off event was sponsored by a local non-profit group called Keep Garland Beautiful (one of our members, Fran Brown is on the board).  They typically sponsor two of the events per year.  See their website for details of their overall program.

Follow this link for photos of our team:


Updated 4/19/13:  Robert Vera reported that Code Compliance will give the property owner 10 days to clean up the illegal dumping problem, where a big mound of trash had been anonymously dropped off less than 100 feet from the creek.  Its unfortunate that they have to be responsible for someone else’s destruction, but someone has to step up and fix the problem.